Have you heard North American vacuum cleaners are, in order to convey an impression of power, built to run far louder than they need to? Similarly, Nordic people feel that washing machines just can’t be doing their jobs if they aren’t front-loaders that run for at least two hours. So if you're staying at Raggi’s and using the washer in the basement, block off some time.
Electric dryers: almost unknown here. Instead, the laundry room is hot like Venus and you hang the clothes up there. It’s a consequence of geothermal abundance. Did I mention they dump hot water directly into the sea to make a swimming beach?
If you and your stinky socks are staying downtown, and you don’t want to pay daffy hotel-laundry prices, your choices are two:
- The laundromat called Efnalaugin Úðafoss at Vitastíg 13.
- The Laundromat Cafe at Austurstræti 9. This a fun restaurant with a children’s play area downstairs and an actual laundromat. You can wash clothes, eat lunch, and people-watch simultaneously. The food is inventive and good, though there is some risk between ordering and eating that continents may drift visibly.
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