Friday, 10 August 2012

The airport and you

Six people are arriving simultaneously very early on the 15th. Our car doesn’t fit seven, so we’re asking you to take the FlyBus to downtown.

If your name is Darren, Audrey, Paul, or Rose, then just take the FlyBus as far as BSÍ (“byeh ess eee”) which is the inter-city bus station in Reykjavík. You’ll know you’re in the right place because the bus will stop and disgorge its passengers, who then wander around terrified they’ll make the wrong connection, get lost, and spend the next week standing out in the rain.

Raggi will drive you home and settle you in.

If your name is Lorne or Alain, ask when you buy your ticket whether you can be driven right to your hotel’s door. If not, you’re still so central they can drive you to some other hotel about a block away. I’ll hang with you while you drop your luggage off and get oriented.

After a while everybody will rendezvous downtown and have a big ol’ breakfast.

Similarly, on the 16th, we can meet Bill and Rob at BSÍ, and I can intercept Antonio when he shows up there 90 minutes later. On the 17th, Adriane arrives and she must at last surrender her Snuffleupagus card to the Huttens.

Questions? Comments? Insights?

Update: the new plan.

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